Feeding Services

Specialized Care for Infants and Young Children


Many young children struggle to eat and this can lead to challenges for the child, parent and entire family. As part of the Birth to Five Center of Excellence, our Feeding Services for Infants and Young Children provides individualized, coordinated care designed to meet the unique needs of each child and family.


Feeding Services include:

    • Comprehensive and individualized state-of-the-art services
    • Assessment, consultation and ongoing intervention/therapy
    • Care coordination
    • Family support and resources
    • A full report and family feeding plan developed in partnership with the family, including goals, recommendations and follow-up

A Team Approach

Recognizing that feeding is a complex skill, our Feeding Services bring together a transdisciplinary team of professionals who have specialized knowledge and expertise in pediatric feeding problems and disorders.


Team members may include:

    • Pediatrician consultation
    • Speech language pathologist
    • Occupational therapist
    • Psychologist/infant mental health specialist
    • Registered dietitian
    • Care coordinator


Service Options

Our team provides a wide range of service options. Families can receive one or more of the following:


    • Initial phone conversation
    • Medical record review and follow-up by a pediatrician
    • Feeding assessment from partial or full team designed to meet the needs of the individual child and family
    • Feeding therapy from a feeding therapist (speech language pathologist or occupational therapist) provided at the child’s home or in our clinic
    • Medical nutritional services in collaboration with the feeding therapist
    • Counseling support for help with issues related to eating and feeding difficulties
    • Care coordination of the child’s entire medical team



Southwest Human Development accepts private pay and most public and private health care plans.


For more information, please contact the Birth to Five Center of Excellence at (602) 468-3430 or [email protected]. Our fax number is (602) 633-8198.

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